Bersempena dengan musim peperiksaan Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) yang sedang berjalan kini, kami nak share dengan korang sebuah cerita yang betul-betul memberi inspirasi.

Wanita cantik ini baru sahaja berusia 25 tahun dan kini bergelar Doktor of Philosophy in Pharmacology. Hebat kan? Siapa dia sebenarnya?

Assalamualaikum. Hi. This post is for those who have asked me personally or via instagram. (Sorry i dont have a twitter,blog,etc) and sorry it took me awhile to answer all your question)

1. Awk grad dari mana- UKM di hati ku.

2. Awk ambik phd apa – Pharmacology

3. Phd berapa tahun – tried my very best to complete it within the minimum duration of 6 semesters (3 years). Alhamdulillah,passed. Phew

4. Awk kerja apa sekarang – I am currently a researcher and a lecturer to medical students.

5. Tips belajar? Paling susah nak jawab xde tips . Play hard,work hard. Kite memang suka study and buat research kot.heee omg suka study?? Ok nerd alert! 6. Cita-cita? Err kalau ada rezeki nak buat post doctorate and another phd in Physiology. 

And nak jadi professor of course!! (Dulu masa kecik2 sebenarnya nak jadi fashion designer or a model. Hahaha. But then i told myself cerminlah diri tu.nasib baik sedar diri) 7. Best ke buat phd?susah ke? – Susah tapi best! Nothing is easy in this world my dear.

The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Lastly,thank you very much for all your wishes and good luck sayang2 semua. You can do it too. InsyaAllah.kakak doakan kita semua sama2 berjaya. May Allah ease us all in our own way of chasing our dreams..KREDIT

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